Parkside Bulletin Board
Our Parkside Bulletin Board is a place we provide community & partner updates, event follow-ups and anything else that Parksider's might want share or be informed about.
Family Promise is a local program that helps homeless families by providing a temporary safe and comfortable living space at Safe Haven which consists of 4 tiny homes. Families live here until they can gain access to transitional or permanent housing. There are no kitchens in these tiny homes, so congregations assist with gift cards and supplies.
Parkside has volunteered to be the support church for the week of March 16th
Churches provide-
Safeway gift cards or gasoline cards for the families. Please provide grocery or gas cards with the amount written on the card.
A fruit basket is also available for residents and the following fruits are needed-Clementines ez peel Bananas Grapes Pears uncut melons- cantaloupe, honey dew
Ongoing supplies – bathroom toilet paper-Scott’s septic friendly
Paper towels, paper plates, plastic forks & spoons
Dawn dishwashing liquid
13-gallon trash bags
Lysol spray cleaner
Please drop off donations at the Parkside Social Hall in the designated box by Sunday March 16th. Bob Simon will be taking the items to Family Promise on Monday March 17th.