Parkside Bulletin Board
Our Parkside Bulletin Board is a place we provide community & partner updates, event follow-ups and anything else that Parksider's might want share or be informed about.
In conjunction with SacACT we’re asking you to show up at the Sacramento City Council meeting Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 5:30. The Children’s Fund Commission will be presenting their plan for the Measure L money– that’s the tax on marijuana purchases. We want to make sure it IS used for kids! Please come and swell the numbers in support of vulnerable children and youth.
The Parkside Harvest Table is open!
If you have a garden or produce that you would like to share, you can bring it to Parkside on Sundays. All produce will be available in the Social Hall in the bright green Harvest Table cabinet next to the door. If you can use some of the produce, there is a jar for freewill SSIP donations. All funds and remaining produce will go to SSIP to feed the food insecure. This is your opportunity to participate in Parkside's longest running social justice ministry.
It’s Vacation Time!
And we’re all traveling. You know those little toiletries you get in motels/hotels? The ones you’ve paid for but never use? Those. Please grab them, throw them in your suitcase and, when you get home, take them to Parkside! We are collecting them for Loaves & Fishes who will distribute them to homeless guests. Loaves & Fishes goes through dozens of little bottles of shampoo, bars of soap, containers of lotion every day. You can make a difference! Memorial Day through Labor Day!