Parkside is a Caring Community, Pursuing Justice, Practicing Diversity and Promoting Spiritual Journeys.
Parkside is live in-person, and live on-line, every Sunday @ 10:30AM PT
Parkside Community Church is a Progressive Christian community in the heart of Sacramento, and since our early days in the 1950s, we have remained committed to furthering God's mission of justice for all people.
Because we believe “God is Still Speaking,” our ever evolving theology informs our Progressive Christian, social justice, stances.
As progressive Christians we have a variety of ways of understanding who Jesus is and was.
We take the Bible seriously but not literally, and we honor the faith traditions of others.
We are part of the United Church of Christ denomination, which does not require acceptance of any creed or dogma for membership. Along our path of following in Jesus’ way, we proudly offer spiritual sanctuary to seekers and believers of all varieties.
Progressive Christianity is often described in these ways:
Belief that following the way and teachings of Jesus can lead to experiencing the sacred, to wholeness, to respect for all life.
Belief that the Sacred and Holy flows through many faith traditions.
Be a community that is inclusive of all people. Honoring differences in theological perspectives, age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, class, or ability.
Strive for Peace and Justice among all people.
Embrace contemporary science and strive to protect the Earth.
Life long learning and to pursue the next good question instead of claiming absolutes.
Core Values & Commitments
Caring Community: We care for everyone in our community, from visiting the sick and homebound to talking and texting with troubled youth. We come together for potlucks, soup Sundays, protest marches, baby showers, concerts, fabulous holiday celebrations, and a wide array of gatherings throughout the year.
Pursuing Justice: We are supporting community partnerships by working to fight hunger and homelessness, such as the SSIP Food Closet that provides food and support that families and individuals urgently need. Our congregation is also a proud member of Sacramento ACT, a powerful multi-racial, multi-faith advocacy organization.
Practicing Diversity: We are living into our commitment celebrating diversity by welcoming people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; by intentionally creating programming for every age and ability; by insisting that our spiritual journeys are shared but not identical; and by trying to reclaim our founders’ ideal of a multiracial church.
Promoting Spiritual Journeys: We offer an array of spiritual and faith development programs for all ages - from a children’s program on Sunday mornings to our Outside the Box youth program; plus Bible Study, Prayer Circle, Book Club and small groups for adults, add diverse music from both our Chancel Choir as well as our church band.
Open and Affirming to the LGBTQ+ Community: We are an Open and Affirming (ONA) church welcoming our LGBTQ+ siblings into the full life and ministry of our church. In the early 1990s, we voted proudly to become Open and Affirming, which is a special designation conferred by our denomination, the United Church of Christ.
Standing in Solidarity with Immigrants & Refugees: In partnership with our PICO affiliate, Sacramento Area Congregations Together, SacACT: We are a Solidarity church, committing to stand in solidarity with immigrants by being a community of love, hospitality, fellowship, and partners in advocacy. We pledge to support individuals and families seeking refuge or who are in danger of deportation. We made this formal declaration on Palm Sunday in 2017.
Seeking Just Peace Action for Oppressed People: We are a Just Peace church that stands in solidarity with people who are disadvantaged, marginalized and unheard, putting ourselves and our voices in places of oppression, poverty, and violence. Just Peace action means we are in for the long haul. Our goal is to change the world for the better through hope, love, justice and action regardless of how long this may take. Our church made this public commitment in June 2018.